Haut-Bugey Agglomeration proposes, in collaboration with AEPV, Polyvia, Polymeris, Fibois and Xylofutur, a brand new event EC’Haut Bugey, quelle(s) économie(s) pour demain ?
A two-day event (November 8 and 9, 2022) dedicated to the attractiveness of the territory, local know-how, innovation, industry, training and the circular economy.

November 8th, for a day dedicated to the attractiveness of the territory and the industrial dynamics, we opened the doors of our site of Bellignat within the framework of the circuit « Industrie 4.0 et les produits de demain ».

A great opportunity for visitors to discover our logistics tool but also our Eco-concept approach for a better future (use of recycled plastics, creation of sustainable and 100% recyclable products, labelled Origine France Garantie)

A look back at the visit…

Presentation of our Eco Concept approach

Visit of the logistics site of Bellignat